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Queen’s Inclosure Primary School



At Queen’s Inclosure Primary School, all children are expected to wear uniform and appropriate footwear.  We support the wearing of school uniform as it:

  • helps the children to feel part of the school community
  • is practical for school activities
  • reduces any perception of unequal status
  • keeps the focus on learning rather than appearance
  • clearly identifies the children during trips
  • is smart and establishes good habits for adult life.

Denim, sports trousers and fashion wear are not permitted.

Our uniform consists of:



QI logo items are preferred but remain optional.

The items marked with an asterisk* can be purchased from Skoolkit.

All Year

  • Dark green sweatshirt* or cardigan* with QI logo 
  • White shirt/blouse or polo shirt* with QI logo
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt, culottes or grey pinafore dress (Miniskirts and leggings are not school uniform. Dresses, skirts and shorts etc must be to or just above the knee only to maintain dignity). 
  • Plain grey/ dark green/ black/ white socks or grey/ dark green/ black tights 
  • Dark green fleece* with QI logo (for outdoor wear only)

In warmer weather

  • Grey or black shorts 
  • Green and white chequered dress (plain cycling shorts may be worn under summer dresses/skirts to maintain dignity!)

PE Kit

  • Black sweatshirt* or hoodie* (QI logo optional)
  • Plain black shorts and plain black tracksuit bottoms (leggings are acceptable for P.E. only - underwear should not be visible)
  • Plain white tee-shirt
  • Plimsolls are preferable to trainers for indoor P.E.
  • Trainers (black or dark colour with discrete logos) for outdoor P.E.
  • Ear tape to cover stud earrings, if applicable.


  • Plain, flat or very low-heeled shoes in black, grey or dark brown. Shoes should be securely fastened with laces, a buckle or Velcro and children should be able to do this independently.   
  • Sandals may be worn during the summer but open toes and heels are discouraged due to the lack of protection offered. 

Any child wishing to wear boots to school must change into school shoes when they reach their classroom and place their boots on the Wellington boot rack outside.


We encourage children to wear caps or sun hats when playing outside during sunny weather. 

Book Bag

Due to space limitations and the risk of trip hazards, we ask that children use the slim-line QI logo book bag** or a small, plain, drawstring bag - which could fit into their personal learning tray. 

**QI Book Bag and P.E. drawstring bags can only be purchased through the school via School Money. 

Jewellery and Watches - discrete ear-studs are permitted but, to prevent injury, these need to be removed or covered with ear tape during P.E. Standard watches may be worn (ideally analogue to aid learning) but gadgets such as Fitbits or iWatches etc are not permitted as they are a distraction in class and are an expensive item if lost or damaged.

Hairstyles and Decoration - long hair should be tied back with a simple, dark-coloured accessory. Simple headbands and small bows in black, white or green are acceptable. We ask that elaborate or extreme hairstyles or decorations (big JoJo bows) are not worn in school, shaved styles or tram lines are not permitted – minimum grade 3, please.

Make-Up and Nail Polish - make-up or nail polish is inappropriate for school and children are not permitted to wear this. Please ensure children’s nail varnish is removed before coming to school.


Skoolkit Havant
31 Meridian Centre, Havant PO9 1UN / 02392 455795
Mon to Fri:  9:00 - 5:30 Sat 9:00 - 5:00 [Sundays & Bank Holidays Closed]

Second-Hand Uniform

The PTA recycle good quality unclaimed lost property and outgrown uniform and regularly holds uniform giveaways. The details of these events will be communicated to parents/carers via text.