Curriculum Enrichment
We believe that children learn best through experience so, in addition to our exciting and stimulating curriculum, we also provide other opportunities to enhance and enrich children’s learning wherever possible. Throughout the year, year groups organise themed days to support their learning and parents are often welcomed into school to share and celebrate the achievements of the children through assemblies and learning exhibitions (e.g. year group museums, performances and drop-ins).
Queen’s Inclosure also takes part in a range of organised events and welcomes in visitors to meet with our children. These events are aimed at all phases of the school and include:
World Book Day
On World Book day this year, all of our class teachers swapped classes and read their favourite books to a different class. This was an exciting event for all of the children because they got a taste of what each teacher likes to read and learnt a bit more about them. Previously, we have taken part in a dress-up day where the children have dressed up as their favourite book character and our learners have also bought in their favourite books to share with their peers, making recommendations to others.
Author Visits (most recently Jack Trelawny and Grant Koper)
Key Stage 1 learners were visited by picture book author, Grant Koper, who read his story, The Day Granny’s Knickers Blew Away, and offered the chance for questions to be asked. The children were then invited to discuss what might have happened next in the story – they thoroughly enjoyed the experience of meeting a real-life author.
Key Stage 2 learners were treated to a visit from children’s author Jack Trelawny on Wednesday 1st May 2019. Some children may be familiar with His Kernowland in Erthwurld series or may have enjoyed The Emperor’s Rhinoceros, the first in his latest series of adventures, inspired by a joint BBC and British Museum Project , ‘A History of the World in 100 Objects.’ Following an entertaining assembly, in which children were shown how to find ideas for writing and had an opportunity to ask questions, those who wished to meet the author had their books signed personally.
Professor Cranium Science Event at Crookhorn College of Technology
Each year, some of our Year 2 children visit Crookhorn College of Technology and compete against other local schools to win Professor Cranium’s Science trophy. The children are split into small groups and are faced with a range of science challenges which test their skills.
Press Gang Able Writers’ Event at Crookhorn College of Technology
Every year, Crookhorn College of technology hold their annual Press Gang event, where a small selection of able writers are thrown into the world of journalism. The children are faced with a selection of ‘witnesses’ of whom they interview and then write journalistic reports about. This event tests the children’s skills in audience and purpose when writing as well as their ability to ask purposeful questions.
Barclays Bank Money Skills Visit
To support some of Year 6’s learning, we invite members of Barclays Bank’s staff in to school to help us learn about how to handle our money in the future. Some of this is about budgeting our finances but the sessions also help us consider what is actually necessary (or not) when making purchases for ourselves. The sessions really help us to understand the consequences of our decisions in terms of what we can afford or not.
Young Shakespeare Company Visit
Year 6 welcome the ‘Young Shakespeare Company’ into school as a stimulus for our English learning about one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays! The visit really brings the story to life for the children and helps to inspire a range of writing as a result.
Maths Olympiad
Queen’s Inclosure takes part in the local annual Maths Olympiad event, which sees some of our more skilled mathematicians have their wits pitted against a range of challenging maths problems, where they have to ‘think outside the box’ in order to solve them. The Maths Olympiad event is a competition amongst the local schools in our cluster area.
Hampshire Constabulary and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Team
To help support our PDL curriculum, and to heighten the awareness of safety amongst our learners, we invite both the fire and police services in to meet with our children. Across the school, the children build a good relationship with officers who serve locally, building links between the school and its community.
Hampshire School Music Services
To support development in music, Hampshire School Music Services spend the year working with Year 4, helping them to learn to play a range of musical instruments. Not only do the children learn to play instruments, but they also build their confidence in reading notation, musical timing and the meanings of musical vocabulary. Instruments are learnt on a termly basis.
Planet Education and Sports Events (including a whole-school Sports’ Day)
At Queen’s Inclosure, we invest in specialist P.E. coaches to support the teaching of our children. The coaches teach both outdoor and indoor (dance and gymnastics) P.E. In the summer term, we then hold our annual Sports’ Day event, where the school’s four colour teams compete to win the school Sports’ Day trophy. Additionally, the school partakes in a wide range of sports tournaments and festivals, which in recent years have seen Queen’s Inclosure move on to compete at a county and southern division standard.