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Queen’s Inclosure Primary School



Queen's Inclosure Attendance Target (2024 - 2025) - 95%

Average attendance for primary schools in England - 94%

As well as being a legal requirement, regular and punctual attendance is essential for continuity in children’s learning and the development of social relationships with peers. It establishes good habits which will benefit children throughout their education and into adult life. Our school hours are:

School Hours
 School start  8:40 am
 Morning registration  8:45 am
 Afternoon registration  1:05 pm
 School finish  3:20 pm
Our school is open for 33 hours and 20 minutes per week
Drop Off and Collection Times
Drop off time 8:30am to 8:40am
Collection time 3:20pm to 3:30pm

Please do not come onto the school site before 8:30am or 3:15pm. 

Any child in KS2 with permission to leave the classroom unaccompanied at the end of the school day will be dismissed from the class at 3:20pm. Children who arrive after 8:50am, or who are collected from school during the day, must be signed in or out of the school office so that the time and reason can be recorded.

Parents are asked to collect children promptly from their classroom at the end of the school day. For safeguarding reasons, those with children in Years F, 1 and 2 are asked to make contact with the class teacher before taking their child. With the exception of older children who may have permission to walk home unaccompanied, any child who is not collected will be taken to the office at 3:30pm. 

Any change to usual collection arrangements should be communicated at the beginning of the day to the class teacher.  If, in exceptional circumstances, a parent is unavoidably delayed in collecting their child, we ask that the school office is contacted at the earliest opportunity.

New Penalty Notice Information

Sickness Absence

Deciding if your child is too unwell to come to school

The detrimental impact of absence on learning has been proven. However, if a child is too unwell or is contagious, they will need to stay home until sufficiently recovered.  Deciding whether to send your child in can be difficult.  The following guidance from the NHS may be of assistance:

Is my child too ill for school?

Please note that if your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they must be symptom-free for 48 hours before returning to school.

Procedure for reporting your child’s absence

If your child is too unwell to attend school, please notify the office with details as soon as possible before 9:00 am daily:

Telephone  us on 02392 268067  or email  

We are legally required to record why your child is not in school. If your child is marked absent in the register and we are not aware of the reason, you will receive a text message or a phone call asking you to contact us.

Please note that if you take holiday during term time and report your child as being ill, either immediately before or after the holiday, the absence(s) will be recorded as unauthorised unless supporting medical evidence is provided (e.g. prescribed medication from a GP).

Leave of Absence

Parents have a legal duty to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. Should you require leave of absence for your child due to exceptional circumstances, an application form should be submitted at the earliest opportunity and before confirming arrangements:

Leave of Absence Application Form

Under no circumstances will absence during term time be authorised retrospectively.

Please also be aware that absence for a family holiday will not be authorised, unless the circumstances are exceptional. Cost, restricting work commitments, or special events do not constitute exceptional circumstances.

For further information, please refer to Hampshire County Council’s code of conduct and information for parents and carers.   

Unauthorised Absence

At QI, we regularly monitor children’s attendance; we are obliged to share attendance and absence data with the Local Authority and Department for Education (DfE).  Research has proven a strong statistical link between absenteeism and underachievement.  It can also negatively impact on a child’s relationships with their peers.

Should we have concerns regarding a child’s attendance or lateness, we will contact the parent and seek to resolve the issue.  Regrettably however, should the poor attendance continue, the matter may be taken further.

Sections 444A and 444B of the Education Act 1996 empowers headteachers to issue Penalty Notices to parents in cases of unauthorised absence from school.  In Hampshire, Penalty Notices are issued when a child has had 10 or more half-day sessions (equivalent to 5 school days) of unauthorised absence, in any 10 school week period; or one or more unauthorised absences during a public exam, assessment or test (where the dates have been published).

Parents who repeatedly take their child on holiday during term time may be referred to the Attendance Legal Panel and run the risk of further action being taken against them.